Child Care First Aid 
We offer a complete range of child care courses designed for individuals with or having to care for children with specific attention to issues surround first aid for children.
Emergency Child
Care First Aid & CPR/AED
This course provides an overview of First Aid & CPR techniques taught in an interactive environment for individuals who care for infants or children in the workplace or at home. Covers skills needed to recognize, prevent and respond to cardiovascular emergencies, CPR Level B, and other topics including choking, airway and breathing emergencies and prevention of disease transmission.
Standard Child Care First Aid & CPR/AED
Comprehensive First Aid & CPR training for individuals who need training for child care or early childhood education work, or who simply want more knowledge to respond to babies’ and children’s injuries and emergencies at home. The course covers a variety of topics from basic first aid such as cardiovascular emergencies, CPR Level B, choking, airway and breathing emergencies, and prevention of disease transmission to more in-depth topics such as sudden medical conditions and injuries to the head and spine.